The Comparative Analysis Of Primary School Life Science Curriculum (2018-2024)

Comparative Analysis of HBDÖP (2018-2024)




Life science , primary school, curriculum, curriculum analysis


In education systems, there are some courses that try to teach the individual about nature, human, society and life. It can be said that one of these courses in Turkey is Life Science. Because the Life Science course is a vital course that facilitates individuals' lives and prepares them for life by providing them with basic knowledge, skills and behaviours. Life Science course has always been included in primary school curriculums in Turkey since the first years of the Republic. However, changes and developments in the social field force curricula to be reviewed, developed or changed. In this direction, changes have been made in the curricula of the Life Science course at certain intervals within the framework of needs. In addition, a comprehensive curriculum development study was carried out in Turkey in 2023 and 2024 under the name of 2024 Turkish Century Education Model and the developed curriculums were put into practice. In this context, one of the curriculums changed and put into practice is the Life Science course curriculum. For this reason, in this research, it is aimed to determine the changes and developments in the Life Science course curriculum. Because knowing the changes in the new curriculums will provide convenience for all stakeholders of education and academicians working in this field. Document analysis, one of the qualitative research methods, was used in the study. 2018 and 2024 curriculums were used as data. Descriptive analysis was used in data analysis. As a result of the research, it was determined that there are formal similarities and differences between the curriculums, the new curriculum has a wide terminology, and there are important changes in terms of aims, values and skills. In line with the results of the research, suggestions were made to effectively introduce the curriculum to practitioners, to integrate the new curriculums into pre-service training, to conduct research to determine attitudes, perceptions and competencies towards the curriculum.


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How to Cite

KOSEOGLU, E., & ŞAHİN, K. (2024). The Comparative Analysis Of Primary School Life Science Curriculum (2018-2024) : Comparative Analysis of HBDÖP (2018-2024). Journal of Social Perspective Studies, 1(2), 51–65.