Social Media Imprisons People in Their Likes: The Example of Youtube and The Surveillance Society
The Example of Youtube and the Surveillance Society
Social Media, Surveillance, YouTube, Fluid Life.Abstract
The emergence of new technologies has enabled the diversification and accumulation of knowledge worldwide. With the advent of Big Data, large datasets, and their analyses, it has become possible to make predictions tailored to people's preferences easily. It is known that platforms like YouTube, one of the most widely used platforms, utilize artificial intelligence algorithms to recommend videos that users might like in order to sustain their platform. Evaluating this issue within the context of internet and new media technologies, which are among the most fundamental areas of surveillance today, would be appropriate. As users watch a video on a certain topic on YouTube, consciously or unconsciously, they fall into a network of similar videos. In other words, users willingly or unwillingly confine themselves to a filter bubble they have created. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate, through various studies, how YouTube, through surveillance and artificial intelligence, confines people to their own preferences. In the methodology of this paper, a literature review has been conducted on the specific subject matter. In this context, the primary aim of my study has been to demonstrate, through various studies, how YouTube traps people within their own preferences through surveillance and artificial intelligence
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