Gods of Modern People or Antichrists
Modern People or Antichrists
This study examines the phenomenon of the false messiah, known as the Antichrist (Deccal), as depicted in various hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad. Several hadiths emphasize that the greatest trial humanity will face from the creation of Adam until the Day of Judgment is the trial of the Antichrist, underscoring the significance of this topic. Scholars have noted that these hadiths are transmitted through mutawatir (multiple independent transmitters) chains, confirming their authenticity. Linguistically, the term Deccal signifies deception and falsehood, referring to one who presents falsehood as truth. The hadiths highlight two key characteristics of the Antichrist: 1) There will be multiple Antichrists, and 2) Some will claim divinity, and certain individuals will worship them. From the Enlightenment era to the present, various philosophers, celebrities, and political leaders have influenced societies by promoting atheism and immorality, and in some cases, have been idolized to the point of deification. This research explores the relationship between these modern idolized figures and the concept of the Antichrist in Islamic hadith literature. It argues that those who lead people toward disbelief, oppression, and immorality, and who are revered as divine, can be seen as contemporary manifestations of the Antichrist. By investigating the deification of philosophy, science, political leaders, and celebrities in modern Western societies, this study illustrates how these figures have, in certain respects, supplanted traditional religious beliefs, much like how the Antichrist is portrayed in Islamic texts as a figure of false worship.
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